bizz and work

Monday, August 06, 2007

Airtel Beetel 220X - wireless configuration

Airtel tries to make the wireless configuration sound very hard (unusual to hear right !!). Most of the OEM try to keep this process very simple so that they can sell it out to any commonman, is what I believe.
But anyways..
Following are the major steps for configuring the modem with any brand wireless routers ( D-Link, Netgear, on and so forth)
1. Change Airtel's modem to a bridge.
- Log onto the modem at ( use admin login if you know the passwd, mostly its either admin or blank ( pls leave the passwd textbox empty :)) )
- Change LAN type to DHCP disabled and WAN to bridge mode from PPPoE.
2. Configure your new wireless router.
- Log onto the router at ( use admin login if you know the passwd, mostly its either admin or blank)
- name the connection and set the WEP or WPA encryption option set up.
- enter the userid and passwd of the ISP in the WAN segment.
3. Configuration at the receipent's side.
- disable the LAN network adapter if the comp/laptop doesnt pick up the new wireless connection automaticaly.
- make a new wireless connection with the new WEP code.

All the best